We have proudly served the South Wairarapa and surrounding areas for over 25 years. We guarantee quality and service second to none.
Auto body and structural chassis repair are not for the unqualified, we are recommended repairers because our quality is guaranteed.
We have the latest Car-O-Liner 3D measuring equipment and Inverter Spot welder to ensure your vehicle is repaired to better than manufacturer’s tolerances and specifications.
We are approved repairers for most major insurance companies and will happily help you out with any private work from rust and restoration to minor car park damage.
Contact us today to make an enquiry or request a quote.
The need for a tow truck and a panel beater unfortunately often comes hand in hand, if you are in need of a tow truck Ace Towing can tow your vehicle safely to our workshop.
Ace Towing understands that the need for a tow truck doesn't just conveniently fall between the hours of 9am-5pm, they are happy to tow your vehicle 24/7.
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